Friday 7 July 2023

Creation and Management of PO Types

5. Creation and Management of PO types

(Would like for the system to allow for Inventoriable goods Consumable (Non inventory Goods) Services(Utilities,Lawn, Lights, Etc)


To Purchase Inventory you have to create Purchase Orders and SIPL from the system.  


You can create  Vendor P.Os in two ways.

I.  Create Vendor P.O from the Sale Order.

Select the Service in the Service line Drop down, and enter the Quantity and Amount and then click on Save & View Vendor PO.

II. To purchase services create Vendor PO and generate Bill from the created Vendor PO

  1. To create Vendor PO : Accounting >> Payables >> + Vendor PO

You can select any type of service from the selection list.

Once Vendor PO is confirmed and complete or when you receive bill from the vendor,  create Bill from the Vendor PO by Clicking on Add New Bill button

Consumables (Supplies/Samples)

Consumables are called as Supplies in SPS

To Purchase Consumables first you should create Product as Supplies 

Pick Kind as Supplies

You can see all Supplies by clicking on Samples/Supplies section from the lists page

Left click on product it will give you the options  to add, remove or transfer consumables from the inventory

By clicking on the “Add” button on the Supplies Detail page, you can enter supplies into the system directly without any invoice.

If you want to buy supplies from the vendor you should create Bill / Vendor PO with Bill 

After creating a bill you should click on create inventory into Supplies if you want to add into the supplies inventory.

Click on Supply will take you to the Supply Page

Here you can see the available inventory 

If you consume supplies you can remove that inventory by clicking on the remove button 

Enter the quantity and click on the save button will reduce the inventory.

You can transfer supplies from one bin to another and from one location to another location by using the Transfer Bins or Transfer Locations options.


You should add Utility as a service in the system

You should create bill with this service