Friday 7 July 2023

Shipping Times

149. Shipping Times

(Some type of way to track shipping times, containers, or routes of trucks between sites)

Containers tracking for materials from the Supplier

We can provide a dashboard to enter all the details to track the container exactly where it is.

For Internal Transfers Delivery Tracking:

Delivery Schedule New Version:

To create a truck run click on Add Truck Run button.

To add a truck run select a truck from the list of trucks you have and click on Add Truck Runs. Full Truck (Cab + Trailer) and Trailer without the cab filter is used to show only selected trucks in the list.

Now the truck runs are added

And Transfer pick tickets can be added to the truck run by clicking on the pick ticket and Assign to truck option. Any truck can be chosen from the options.

After adding pick tickets to the truck, those pick tickets will appear in the truck space.

Stops of the truck run can be changed by Move option, click on the pick ticket and go to move to move it.

This is how it will be when third stop is swapped to first and first to the last stop.

At the right corner of the truck you can see the truck capacity and the percentage of the truck filled.

After adding a pick ticket to a truck, it can be removed by clicking on the pick ticket and Unassign from Truck option.

All the pick tickets can be removed from the truck by clicking on the Truck run and Unassign all pick tickets from this Truck Run.

All the pick tickets in one truck run can be moved to another truck run be clicking on the truck run and Move all pick tickets to option.

Pick ticket can be opened by clicking on pick ticket and Goto Transaction option

Percentage of trucks filled is indicated by a gray bar of the truck run.

Loading worksheet can be opened by clicking on the truck run and Go to Loading worksheet option.

This is the Loading worksheet

Loading worksheets can be printed by the Print Loading Worksheet option.

Truck and driver can be updated by the Update truck/Driver option.

This screen to update Truck and Driver.

Google maps can be opened by clicking on Truck run and Open Google Route Map option.

Truck run can be deleted by clicking on truck run and Delete Truck Run option

Loading Worksheet:

Home page of the Loading worksheet is shown below.

By clicking on heading, drop down will be opened with options

Truck and Driver can be updated by clicking on Update Truck/Driver

Can be updated in the below screen

All loading worksheets are shown in list Loading worksheet

Print the loading worksheets by Print Loading workshop option

Maps can be opened by Open Google Route Map option


Staging is an option where the inventory can be tracked where it is.(Given in the Notes)

Notes text box can be filled to locate the inventory.

The staging transactions are shown symbolically as shown below.