Friday 7 July 2023

Supplier RFQ module/management

77. Supplier RFQ module/management

(Is there a way to send out quote requests to multiple suppliers to compare pricing)

For this we have Pre Purchase request module

Pre Purchase Request Module

           In the Pre Purchase request module you can send mails to multiple local suppliers for the inventory availability and you can compare responses from them  and can create purchase orders from their responses.

Create Pre Purchase request 

Here you can add the products that you want to purchase.

From this screen you can send requests to multiple vendors through email.

From the right side you can select multiple vendors to send requests.

When selecting suppliers, all contacts will appear on the screen

You can select contact, related emails will be filled in the Selected Emails box and when creating requests,  mails will be sent to that supplier.

Supplier will have this mail. They can reply from the mail.

It will show instructions for suppliers on how to fill.

They can attach pictures if they have

If you want to update any response of the suppliers you can also update.

You can compare supplier’s responses and accept one of the responses. 

By clicking on tick mark you can accept the supplier’s deal and clicking on x mark you can reject the response.

You will have to add a purchase order button once you accept the supplier response.