Friday 7 July 2023

Sales Order EDI

131. Sales Order EDI

(Allow for Sales Orders to come in via Electronic Data  Interchange)


Click on Sales >>  Click on New POS (HD POs pending creation in SPS) 

 When a user selects "New POS," a list of the HD Orders will be displayed to create in SPS.

The filter will display by default for a week.  When necessary, we can choose a date range and filter the list of HD orders.

Note: Confirm the date from which New HD POs are downloaded. This will restrict downloading older POs that do not need to be created in SPS. 

 If any customer code is not matching system will show alert


 ( For Example: Code: 0737 is not matching to any of the Home Depot customers. Either the customer is not present or the customer code is not matching)

If the customer code matches, the option to create a new sales order will be shown.

The HD PO# will be saved as Customer PO# in SPS when creating a sale order

Select the Item / Service  for each line and then Click on Save Sales Order

Check all created sales orders in SPS


Click on Pre Sales on top menu bar to check for new leads from HD

Click on New Leads to get the leads list

Click on “Create New Quote” it will create an Opportunity and Quote at the same in SPS. 

Check all created Quotes in SPS

PO Notes:

Click on Sales on the top menu bar to check new PO notes from HD. 

Click on “New PO Notes” to view the list of new POs created in HD.

If any notes are updated in HD Orders by Home Depot. Click on New PO Notes and It will allow you to update notes for each HD order by clicking on Save All New Notes which will create as CRM event in SPS

Created notes will be shown in sales order detail page under the CRM tab with title saying “Store message for PO#”

We can also check all store messages in one report.

We can also post Home Depot notes from SPS. Notes created with type ‘HD PO Notes’ will be posted in Home Depot portal.